Friday, April 18, 2008

chapter 7 - evaluations

Assessments make judgments about value on the basic of criterions that may be being awake or not. Assessments are not facts. Information which is based on facts keep seperated facts and assessments evident from each other. Evaluations are quick and careless evaluations which might include unconsidered and incorrect support. Senses and hopes affects our understandings and assessments.

chapter 6 - opinions

Commonly, nobody doesn't understand a general idea. But we use word's varieties for understanding expressions.
Ideas should be understood clearly or not. If it could not be cought, it was emotions of people. people like catching other's ideas.
Professional opinion is based on an understanding of affirmation and dangers in a situtation. Professional opinion is important and highly expense.
Opinious should not be fix with reals.
If you want to make arguments, you should clear your bias in your brain.

chapter - 5 - assumptions

Hypotheses are something which is believed, which we admit early as reality without working on it seriously and cautiously. Usually, we don't realize that it is an assumption until it brings difficulties for us.
Arguments are the way of thinking to support a opinion or to convince people to make them believe in the idea in which he/she supports. Good arguments do not rely on hypothesis which is not analyzed.
Someone who comes up with a new and different point of view to a problem that makes the others surprised is usually able to create a way to solve the problem, because he or she does not acknowledge the assumptions as facts which cause to think shallow like others do. As a conscious tool, we can refer to assumptions when experiencing a problem to solve.
Hypothesis can be rational or irrational, reasonable or unreasonable. Irrational or unreasonable hypotheses can cause incorrect thinkings and decisions, however rational and reasonable Hypotheses can be valuable tools to solve problems. What we need is to realize the difference between them.

chapter 4 - inferences

If we want to perceive and think clearly, we interest our and other's personality.
Acceptable inference can be used anectodic writing to actuality together.
detectives and consultants need analyze the facts. And they should make the best result of them.
Facts and inferences can be made general. It basically means that we should know how to draw generalizations that can be supported.
the subject statement of a paragraph is a generalization that summariaes the basic idea to be determine.

chapter - 3 - fact

By description, a fact is something which is known by exact knowledge, examination and calculation. A fact can be impartially reliable and confirmed. A fact is a thing which people acknowledge being in agreement to reality.
It's difficult for us to decide whether facts are in agreement to reality or not. This can only be decided extra period with repeated return to the input and examining.
The difference between facts and story is not important.
Senses are facts; they can destroy or increase our comprehensions, depending on how aware we are of their existence.